Thursday, April 28, 2011

Krakauer? More like Crap Hour

Haha, so that title is more something that Mike would say pretending to diss someone, but I think it conveys my sentiments well. For those of you who actually follow this, :), you know I'm on a big reading kick right now. Last spring while I was waiting to get married and finally start Nursing school, I also read a lot of books, one of which was Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. I really loved this book and was inspired to be better because of it. I was terribly disappointed to discovered the other day at the campus bookstore that they were selling this book and his other book Stones Into Schools for cheap with a posted new article denouncing him as a fraud.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, check out this piece done by CBS 60 minutes:;photovideo
It's true that Mortenson's story seems too good to be true and I wouldn't be surprised if he fluffed up the story in order to gain more attention. Although it's sad that a miraculous story such as his is needed in order to gain sympathy and help from the public, no one can deny that Mortenson has done amazing things to promote education for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan. So why the need to tear him down?
One thing I think is important to point out is one of CBS' main sources for this libel is Jon Krakauer, the author of Under the Banner of Heaven. Although I haven't read this book, so maybe this is slander on my part, I've heard enough about this book to know it's crap. Crap Hour's "investigative reporting" on the early LDS saints is packed full of lies and exaggerations used to make Mormons appear crazy and law-less by comparing them to modern day FLDS brothers who killed a woman and baby over a polygamy controversy because they had received "revelation" that God told them to do it. 
The Church began "criticizing" Kraukauer's book before it was published.
Richard E. Turley, managing director of the Family and Church History Department of the LDS Church, was among the most notable; he points out mistakes and incorrect assertions in the book and accuses Krakauer of "condemn[ing] religion generally," while saying that "although the book may appeal to gullible persons who rise to such bait like trout to a fly hook, serious readers who want to understand Latter-day Saints and their history need not waste their time on it"
(Taken from Wikipedia's article "Under the Banner of Heaven."
Plus, and this is something Mike pointed out which I thought was good, Mortenson confesses in his book Three Cups of Tea that he was bad with money and people. Some of 60 Minutes' proof that Mortenson was a bad, fraudulent person is based on the fact that he wouldn't answer their questions when they ambushed him at his own book signing. Who wouldn't be flustered and refuse to answer questions when ambushed by a camera in front of a crowd?
Even if some of Mortenson's stories are false, I still think the good he has done to help Afghani and Pakistani girls is worth the story.


  1. Oh man I've been hot and bothered by this whole mess for a while. I am on Greg's mailing list and received an email from him a few weeks ago. He said 60 minuets had falsely presented information and that the accusations were and still are bogus. I can forward you his email if you would like to read it! I am sticking with Greg on this one. Curse 60 minuets and their super lame fact checking skills.

  2. I was shocked when I heard about this! I too loved Three Cups of Tea! Empowering girls in nations where they are belittled takes guts. Even if some of the stories are false there's no doubt he has done amazing things over there. Plus, some of the accusations were about his foundation. Anyone who has read the book would agree that it's not run in the best fashion (him barricading himself in his basement, blah blah blah). He could do a better job in that department but overall I'm on Greg's side too.

  3. I hear ya Jules. DOWN WITH THE MEDIA! It's just another example of how they throw everyone else under the bus to bump their ratings. It makes me sick!
