Thursday, August 26, 2010


A few of my favorite wedding pictures.

Bountiful Temple

My AMAZING purple shoes. They were 4" heels. And yes, my feet were sore at the end of the night.

Ring Ceremony

We decided to go with cupcakes instead of a real cake. They were so yummy!
Mike & I had never danced together before this. My dad, for whatever reason, was very worried/nervous about this...


  1. JULI!!! I love your wedding. And I love being the first to post a comment. And I love that I can stalk you back now. And I want one of those cupcakes RIGHT NOW. I'm so so so so so glad that I was able to be there for the planning and everything. It was really cool and probably the closest thing I'll ever get to having a sister get married! Miss you!

  2. I love your wedding shoes!!! Adorable! I wish I could have been there for your wedding!
